Solites is a non-profit Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems within the Steinbeis Foundation. Solites was founded in May 2005 by former members of the Institute for Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering of the University of Stuttgart.
The Steinbeis Foundation was created by the State of Baden-Württemberg in 1971. Today it merges different business areas as a holding company. At present, the Steinbeis network comprises more than 800 Steinbeis Enterprises with more than 5000 employees and partners in more than 50 countries. The turnover of the Steinbeis network was 124 Mio Euro in 2010.
Solites members have been working in the field of research and development of solar thermal systems since 1991, specializing since 1995 in the field of large scale solar thermal systems, solar district heating systems, development of concepts for seasonal thermal energy storage and sustainable thermal energy systems. Main focus of the work of Solites comprises research, project development, development of technical concepts, system simulation, -dimensioning and -optimisation of complex thermal systems, accompaniment of design, tendering and construction, commissioning, optimisation of operation, monitoring and evaluation as well as advice for political implementations.