BIOS is an internationally recognised team of researchers and consultants mainly dealing with the development, design, demonstration, realisation and optimisation of plants to generate heat, cold and power mainly from renewable sources like biomass. Further fields of activities are processes for biomass treatment (pelletizing, torrefication) as well as industrial waste heat recovery using different technologies like heat pumps, ORC and chillers. Moreover the design and optimisation of district heating and district cooling networks from micro grids to large urban systems are a special topic of BIOS.
The company was founded in 1995 as a Graz University of Technology spin-off in the form of a business partnership. In 2001, the legal status of the company was changed to a limited liability company due to the increasing annual turnover and the integration of senior staff members. The present staff of BIOS comprises 22 persons, 19 of them are university graduates (process, energy and environmental engineers). The turnover volume amounted to approximately 3.0 million Euros in 2010. BIOS is one of the largest engineering company in the field of energy technologies in Austria.
The skills and experiences of the engineers working for BIOS cover the whole field of energy technologies from the development of technologies, energy master plans and feasibility studies to the detailed planning and realisation of plants as well as plant monitoring and optimisation. The design of specific plant units is supported by specially developed CFD based programmes. During the last ten years BIOS has successfully developed and demonstrated several new small-scale combustion and CHP technologies together with different European manufacturers.