
Wednesday, 2017, October 11 - 19:41

The main ouptputs of the project will be presented to companies from steel, foundry and forging sectors of the area of Bilbao as potential stakeholders on the technology to take advantage of the industrial waste heat from their production processes.

Wednesday, 2017, October 11 - 19:36

Pitagoras was presented as a sucess  plant that recovers industrial waste heat to produce electricity and supply heat to a city DH network. The presentation was focused on the outputs of the project refereed to: the value proposition, technology involved, financial aspects, impact on society, barriers and replicability to other cities.

See in the Documents section the full text of the presentation

Monday, 2017, October 9 - 12:45


Following the successful editions of 2011 (Delft), 2013 (Rotterdam) and 2014 (Brusels), the 4th edition of the International Seminar on Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems took place this year in Milan, Italy, from 13th to 15th September 2017 ( Since the first edition in Delft, this event established itself as the reference technical conference on the topic. The ORC International Seminar provides a unique preview on the latest technologies and it is recognized as the most relevant podium to present research achievements to the international audience.

Monday, 2017, October 2 - 18:33


The PITAGORAS project has come to the end of the road. The project will finish on October 2017, after 4 years of development. The Final Meeting will take place on 17th October in Brussels in which the PITAGORAS Consortium will meet and discuss the last stage of the project and shape the final internal and external reporting. The European Commission will be present through the assigned Project Officer for Pitagoras; the Consortium will gather the European Commission’s feedback to shape the final stretch of the project. 


Thursday, 2017, May 25 - 17:08

PITAGORAS Project will be the main subject of the event that will take place next  May 30th in Barcelona.

Tuesday, 2017, May 23 - 11:35

A local workshop on industrial waste heat recovery is organized by CIM-MES next May 24 in Krakow in the frame of the PITAGORAS project

Friday, 2017, April 28 - 13:09

PITAGORAS consortium met in Ostrava (Czech Republic) last April 4-6 for its General Assembly meeting. Additionally, a very successful workshop took place in which the main outcomes of the project were presented, obtaining positive feedback from more than 50 assistants belonging to various sectors.

Thursday, 2017, April 27 - 13:19

PITAGORAS will be presented at this workshop as a successful example of industrial waste heat recovery system implementation, allowing sustainable energy production as well as greenhouse gas emission reduction.

Wednesday, 2017, March 29 - 16:31

PITAGORAS consortium will meet in Ostrava from 4th to 6th April (Czech Republic) for the next General Assembly meeting. A workshop will take place within this frame in order to present the main results of the project, especially those concerning the successful pilot plant of Brescia (Italy).    

Wednesday, 2017, March 15 - 17:57

PITAGORAS project was presented at this two day workshop, which took place last February in Lyon, France. The event was cohosted by CELSIUS together with the Métropole de Lyon and the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) District Energy in Cities Initiative, and gathered 140 participants and 40 speakers in seminars and round table sessions.

Monday, 2017, February 27 - 12:30


Pitagoras consortium will meet in Ostrava (Czech Republic) from 4th to 6th April for the 42th month General Assembly meeting. It will be the last meeting in which the project progress and the on-going research will be discussed between the partners before the end of the project on October this year. Monitoring and performance assessment of the demonstration plant built in Brescia will be the main technical issue under discussion.

Friday, 2016, November 18 - 20:08


A waste heat recovery plant has been developed for a steel mill owned by ORI MARTIN and located in Brescia (Italy), to recover the waste heat form the fumes coming from the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF). A 10 MWth Waste Heat recovery Unit has been developed in order to produce saturated steam. The steam can be used for heat production and supply to the city district heating network by means of steam/water heat exchagners (10MWth) or to feed the ORC unit to produce electricity (1,8MWe), which is the operation strategy followed in summer time. The present document comprises a comprehensive description of the developed concept and implemented pilot plant.


The project has worked in a second different system concept based on industrial integration of solar thermal energy in combination with seasonal thermal energy storage (STES) concept, including the possibility of solar heat delivery also to the district heating network. The plant has been planned for a specific site in the city of Kremsmünster (Austria) and in an industrial area of an oil and gas industry. The developed system concept is formed by a solar field of 9377 m2, which is expected to produce around 4547MWh of useful solar heat per year. The idea of reconverting an existing oil tank of 60000 m3 of storage volume (that will not longer be used) into a STES allows to store the surplus solar heat in summer and its use later on in winter months, which significantly increase the solar production capabilities, system performance as well as economics.

 Public document with technical details of the Brescia demo plant (waste heat from EAF fumes) and the Kremsmünster case study (solar thermal plant).


Monday, 2016, October 3 - 17:59

The 36MM will be held in Barcelona. The main issues to discuss will be:

- 4th October: Estrategic Exploitation Seminar to discuss about the exploitable results of the project and to define the main strategy to follow. This seminar will be leaded by an expert provided by the EC.

-5th October. Main activities performed during last six months. Running of Brescia demonstration plant.

- 6th October. Work to be performed during next six months: monitoring of the Brescia plant, exploitation and dissemination activities. Design guidelines and replication of the waste heat steel plant in other industries with high flow of residual heat. Relationship with other European Smart Cities Initiatives.


Tuesday, 2016, July 19 - 14:43

A presentation of the Brescia demo plant has been shown at the "Engine ORC consortium 2016" workshop, Belfast, in September 14-16th. The presentation was mainly focused on the production of electricity from waste heat of the Electric Arc Furnace fumes of Ori Martin.




Friday, 2016, July 15 - 11:50

In April 2016 took place the 30 MM at Ori Martin headquarters. The consortium of the Project visited the Project demonstration plant that was running producing electricity from the Electric Arc Furnace hot fumes. For more information, please visit the Documents section that includes a publishable report of the plant.

View photo of the Consortium in Brescia

Friday, 2016, July 15 - 11:36

In January 2016 the Pitágoras demo plant was commissioned at the Ori Martin Steel facility en Brescia, Italy. Waste heat from the fumes of the Electric Arc Furnace is used to produce steam that can be used for suppling heat to the local DH (winter season) or to produce electricity (summer season).

Wednesday, 2014, January 22 - 11:32

The Kick-off meeting of the EU funded Project (FP7) PITAGORAS was hold the 21st and 22nd November 2013 in Bilbao (Spain). Tecnalia, as the leader of the project, hosted this first meeting in the facilities located in the Technology Park of Zamudio

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