Documents & Publications
General information on the Project and the waste heat recovery pilot plant built in the Steel mill of ORI MARTIN is provided in the several links shown below in this section. For further technical information the following documentation is available. In the list below you can find the public deliverables developed within the PITAGORAS Project:
Presentation of "Efficient and sustainable energy supply to cities: the PITAGORAS case study".
The video shows the innovative pilot plant for waste heat recovery and production of electricity and district heat that has been built in the steel mill of ORI MARTIN in the city of Brescia (Italy). The innovative concept of a large solar thermal plant in combination with reconverted oil tanks to work as seasonal thermal energy storage that has been planned for the city of Kremsmünster (Austria) is also described.
Project presentation, showing the main results and outcomes of the project at its final stage: framework and scope; Pitagoras plants introduction; Pitagoras plants description and results.
Description of the concept developed for the city of Kremsmünster (Austria): integration of solar thermal energy in an oil and gas industry for process heat and heat delivery to the urban district heating network. The concept includes the reconversión of an oil tank to be used as Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage (STES)
Description of the pilot plant built in the Steel mill of ORI MARTIN for waste heat recovery and production of electricity and district heat. Successfully commissioned in 2016, the leaflet shows the first results about its peformance and information about economics.
Promotional video showing the waste heat recovery concept to be developed within Pitágoras and demonstrated at the Steel mill of ORI MARTIN in the city of Brescia (Italy)
Description of the waste heat recovery pilot plant at the steel mill of ORI MARTIN in Brescia (Italy). The plant was successfully built and is now in operation.
This report builds on results achieved in the European funded PITAGORAS project in its WP2 “System concept assessment and final design” and comprises the main outputs regarding the design phase of two real scale pilot plants.
Main technical aspects of the Pitagoras project - April 2014
Objective, framework, scope and impact of the Project. - Design concept of the Brescia plant (steel mill) for waste heat use from the electric arc furnace fumes. Steam production by means of the Waste Heat Recovery System Unit designed and manufactured for this plant. Use of steam for electricity production by means of an ORC (summer season) and heat supply to the local district heating network (winter season). - Design concept for the Kremsmünster case study (solar thermal heat use in oil extraction from wells, seasonal heat storage in oil tanks and heat supply to the local district heating).
The Project framework and status, performed work and main achieved results of the whole Project are summarized.