Sustainable urban Planning with Innovative and low energy Thermal And power Generation frOm Residual And renewable Sources
Within the EU cities are responsible for about 70% of the overall primary energy consumption, and this share is expected to increase to 75% by 2030. There is no doubt that cities represent simultaneously a challenge and an opportunity for climate change policy. The development of low energy solutions for thermal energy supply to cities is one of the main needs nowadays.
One of the sources with the highest potential is the recovery of waste heat. Industries are throwing away large amount of energy. It is said that as an average value, a 40% of the consumed energy in industries is waste heat.
The PITAGORAS project focuses on the efficient integration of city districts with industrial parks through smart thermal grids. Technologies and concepts for medium temperature waste heat recovery, considering as well integration with renewable energy sources (RES), and heat (and power) supply to cities will be developed and demonstrated.
As many of the technologies and concepts considered in the PITAGORAS project are not yet widely regarded as a reliable heating energy source (even they are already proven technologies), the application of these measures often fail even before cost issues are discussed. To change this negative view best practice projects are essential. In this context, the demonstration plant that has been built in a steel mill and is currently being monitored is essential.